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Compliance Management

Keeping up on a multitude of constantly updating compliance requirements can overwhelm even the most seasoned organizations. NRIA blends its compliance expertise with innovative solutions to help organizations stay ahead and adhere to the latest regulations and guidelines.

  • Compliance Program Design and Implementation
    • Creating a customized compliance program tailored to specific industries and regulatory requirements.
    • Developing clear policies and procedures to ensure adherence to regulations.
  • Compliance Gap Analysis and Remediation
    • Assessing current compliance posture across relevant regulations.
    • Identifying any gaps in the compliance program and developing a plan to address them.
  • Compliance Monitoring and Reporting
    • Conducting regular compliance audits and reviews to identify and address any potential issues.
    • Providing comprehensive reports on compliance status to management and stakeholders.
  • Regulatory Change Management
    • Keeping the organization informed of upcoming regulatory changes and potential impact.
    • Assisting in adapting compliance programs to meet new regulatory requirements.
  • Third-Party Management
    • Assessment of compliance risks associated with third-party.
    • Developing due diligence procedures and contract language to ensure third-party compliance.